Our News

Garden Water Saving Tips

Posted on April 22, 2016

Garden water saving is important for two reasons. First, to save money if you’re on a water meter – 40% of us, and rising, are. Second, because at peak demand up to 70% of our water supply can be used in gardens, which forces suppliers to use groundwater and take it from streams. This can […]

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Electrical Safety for Landlords

Posted on April 14, 2016

We have put together this guide to Electrical Safety for Landlords as the government is pretty clear about electrical safety: as a landlord, you’re obliged to ensure all electrical appliances and installations you supply are safe. How you are to interpret these obligations is less clear-cut… This guide to electrical safety for landlords aims to give you […]

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Posted on April 11, 2016

Graffiti art or Vandalism……Is it art? A question sometimes said and heard in museums, galleries, movie theatres, concert arenas, any place of creation. One such place is also the street, where the spectators often seem to wonder: “Is graffiti art or vandalism ?” If we take into consideration that graffiti have been around since prehistoric times, it sounds […]

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Remove Carpet Odours

Posted on April 8, 2016

Removal of Odours and Bacteria In this article we discuss the removal of odours and bacteria from Carpets. Odour is another difficult problem. Bacteria and sometimes mould and mildew are generally the source of odour in carpets. Each of these are living organisms that thrive in moist environments. Once excess moisture is removed, the smell […]

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Electrical Safety

Posted on April 4, 2016

Electrical Safety research has shown that some homeowners are taking a risk by not getting their electrics checked properly. This leaves them vulnerable to faulty electrical appliances and faults within their home. Each year around 43,000 fires occur within the home and over 8,170 (19%) are caused by electrical faults and 10,750 (25%) are caused […]

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