Why Gutter Cleaning could save an insurance claim

Posted on February 19, 2018 in Cleaning

Why gutter cleaning could save you money! What you don’t know about your gutters and your insurance, could cost you, should you ever need to claim. Here’s some insight on how your gutters could affect your pay out.

Blocked gutters can cause serious damage to your property. And, what most property owners don’t know is that that damage may not be covered by insurance. Read on, to find out more.

Gutter Cleaning


Dangers posed by blocked gutters

While it may seem like a minor problem, the truth is that blocked gutters can be a real danger to your property.

This is because your drains and gutters are an essential part of your home and its structure. If they’re not operating properly, then build-ups of water and moisture can quickly arise.

These build-ups of water can cause rot and rust. In some cases, water can enter your roofing and walls meaning leaks and damp. Left unattended this can result in the collapse of internal roofing.

Not only this but water overflowing from blocked gutters can fall and pool around your home’s foundation. Over time this pooling can cause cracks, mould or even significant structural damage.

Unfortunately, it’s often not until this damage occurs that property owners become aware of risks.

Damage may not be covered by insurance

The worst thing about damage caused by blocked gutters is that it may not be covered by insurance.

This can leave you substantially out of pocket, as repairing water damage can be time-consuming and expensive; especially where portions of roof and wall plaster need replacing.

How to cover yourself

The best way to cover yourself is with regular gutter cleaning. This will minimise risks associated with blocked gutters and should protect you should you ever need to make an insurance claim because of leaking or flooding.

You can do this yourself. However, it is important to take the appropriate safety precautions. Every year amateur DIY enthusiasts are injured in falls associated with ladders and cleaning in high places.

Alternatively, you can hire a professional gutter cleaner to do the job for you.

The benefit of using a professional cleaner is twofold.

  • You’ll know the job has been done properly
  • You will be supplied with a receipt or certificate of cleaning service provided

Should you ever need to claim, that receipt or certificate can be used as evidence of proper maintenance.


Blocked gutters pose a real risk to your home.

They can cause damp, leaks, cracks and deterioration. All of which can lead to serious damage to your home’s walls, roofing or foundation.

If your gutters are not properly and regularly maintained, then your insurance provider may reject your claim. This is because many insurance companies do not cover damage that could be avoided through regular maintenance.

The best way to prevent damage from blocked drains and the associated insurance implications is with regular gutter cleaning and maintenance.

For information on our gutter services please call 0845 604 1288 or click Protech Gutter Solutions.