Top 5-Fire Safety Tips For Property Management Companies

Posted on February 12, 2016 in Uncategorized



  1. Fire evacuation procedures –It is so important to ensure all users of your building know what the fire procedure is and are made aware of the fire exit routes and where to assemble (where necessary).
  2. Fire evacuation drills –The evacuation should be timed from the first actuation of the signal to evacuate to the last person leaving the building.
  3. Joint responsibility for fire safety – In a managed office block with a number of independent companies, all the individual tenants should have a fire risk assessment in place relating to areas under their control. Any risks identified should be shared with the other joint responsible persons.
  4. Use of communal cupboards – Another common issue is the use of communal riser cupboards and plant rooms. The best way to manage this problem is to conduct regular checks of the communal cupboards and clear out any items that should not be within them.
  5. Fire safety maintenance – testing and inspection of fire safety equipment is required periodically and records should be kept to show a history of compliance. Periodic inspection and maintenance of equipment such as fire extinguishers, dry rising mains, fire alarm systems and emergency lighting should be carried out by competent persons; in most cases this should be a professional third party UKAS accredited fire protection service provider who can prove the competency of its operatives.