Fire Door Facts Property Managers Should Know

Posted on April 16, 2024 in General Info

Fire Doors Facts

Fire doors are an essential component of a building’s passive fire protection system, and their importance cannot be overstated—especially in multi-occupancy buildings like those managed by property professionals in and around London. As a fire door maintenance company based in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, Protech Property Solutions understands the critical role that fire doors play in preserving life and property. Here, we share some key Fire Door facts, including current legislation, to help property managers ensure their fire safety measures are robust and compliant.

What is a Fire Door?

A fire door is designed to resist the spread of fire and smoke between separate compartments of a structure and to enable safe egress from a building. Unlike standard doors, fire doors are made of composite materials including steel, timber, or gypsum, along with fire-resistant glazing, seals, and hardware.

Key Functions of Fire Doors:

  1. Compartmentalisation: Fire doors help contain fires by restricting the spread of flames and smoke to other parts of the building for a specified period, typically ranging from 30 to 120 minutes.
  2. Safe Escape Routes: They provide critical protection in escape routes, such as corridors and stairwells, ensuring that occupants can exit safely.
  3. Access Control: While they must function effectively in a fire, during normal use, fire doors can also serve to secure premises and control access.

Current Legislation and Standards

In the UK, fire safety, including the use of fire doors, is governed by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in England and Wales, and equivalent legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland. This legislation emphasizes the responsibility of the ‘responsible person’—usually the property manager or owner—to ensure the safety of the building in relation to fire risks.

Compliance and Maintenance:

  • Regular Checks: Fire doors should be inspected regularly to ensure they are in good working order. The checks should include openings, closers, hinges, seals, and the integrity of the door itself.
  • Certification: All fire doors should be fitted with a label or plug that indicates the door’s fire rating and the name of the manufacturer. This is part of the certification process that validates the door’s performance in the event of a fire.
  • Professional Maintenance: Utilize the services of professionals like Protech Property Solutions for maintenance to ensure that any issues are identified and remedied promptly.

Did You Know? Fun Facts about Fire Doors:

  1. Colourful History: The concept of fire doors dates back to the Great Fire of London in 1666, which led to the creation of fire-rated doors to prevent the spread of flames in buildings.
  2. Innovative Materials: Modern fire doors can include materials like vermiculite and palusol that expand in the presence of heat to seal off gaps and prevent the passage of smoke and flames.
  3. Tested to Extremes: Fire doors undergo rigorous testing, including exposure to extremely high temperatures and physical endurance to ensure they can withstand real-life fire conditions.


For property managers, ensuring the functionality and compliance of fire doors is not just a legal obligation but a critical duty in safeguarding the lives of occupants and the integrity of property. Regular maintenance, timely upgrades, and adherence to legal standards are all essential components of effective fire door management. At Protech Property Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier property care and fire door maintenance to help you meet these responsibilities effectively and efficiently.

For property professionals seeking peace of mind and expertise in fire door maintenance, partnering with a seasoned and reputable service provider is key. With over thirty-five years of experience and an excellent reputation, Protech Property Solutions stands ready to assist you in maintaining the highest standards of fire safety in your buildings.

For more fire door facts please contact us on 01707 644 601 or visit Protech Fire Doors to arrange a fire door survey or learn how we can help you safeguard your property, your occupants, and your peace of mind.