Revolutionising Window Cleaning

Posted on November 24, 2023 in Cleaning

Revolutionising Window Cleaning


Window cleaning is an essential service in the UK, pivotal for maintaining the aesthetic and integrity of both residential and commercial properties. Traditionally, this task has been performed using ladders, squeegees, and a lot of manual labour. However, there’s a modern, efficient alternative which is gaining traction and revolutionising window cleaning: the pure water fed pole system. In this blog, we’ll explore why this innovative method is superior to traditional window cleaning techniques.

Section 1: What is the Pure Water Fed Pole System?

The pure water fed pole system represents a significant advancement in window cleaning technology. It involves using extendable poles to deliver deionized water to windows at various heights. The water, having gone through a rigorous filtration process, is free of minerals and impurities. This system allows for a spot-free clean without the need for detergents or chemicals.

Section 2: Advantages Over Traditional Methods

  1. Safety: The foremost advantage is safety. Working from the ground eliminates the risks associated with ladder use and working at heights. This not only ensures the safety of the cleaners but also reduces potential liabilities for property owners.
  2. Efficiency: This method significantly cuts down cleaning time. Unlike traditional methods, where setup and moving ladders consume time, the pole system allows for continuous movement and cleaning, making it ideal for large commercial buildings.
  3. Quality of Cleaning: Deionized water attracts dirt and grime, ensuring a thorough clean. The lack of soap means no streaks or residue, resulting in windows that stay clean longer.
  4. Environmental Impact: The eco-friendly nature of this method is a huge plus. It uses pure water without harmful chemicals, reducing environmental pollution. Also, it’s more efficient in water usage, a critical factor in today’s environmentally conscious world.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Although the initial investment in the system might be higher, it pays off in the long run. The efficiency and reduced need for repeat cleanings save money over time. Additionally, the reduced risk of accidents can lower insurance premiums.
  6. Accessibility: The extendable poles can reach windows in high and awkward places without the need for expensive and cumbersome scaffolding.

Section 3: Case Studies and Testimonials

Case Study: Implementing the Pure Water Fed Pole System in a Commercial Building in London


A prominent commercial building in London, known for its extensive glass facade, faced challenges maintaining the cleanliness of its windows. The traditional window cleaning methods were time-consuming, costly, and posed safety risks due to the building’s height.


The building management aimed to find a more efficient, safer, and environmentally friendly method for window cleaning without compromising the quality of the work.

Solution: Adoption of the Pure Water Fed Pole System

  • Implementation: The building management decided to implement the pure water fed pole system. The system used deionized water, which eliminated the need for detergents, and extendable poles, which allowed cleaners to work from the ground.
  • Training: Protech Property Solutions professional cleaners who were trained in the new system, focusing on operating the poles and understanding the water filtration process.


  1. Improved Safety: There were no reported incidents or accidents related to window cleaning post-implementation, a significant improvement from the previous years.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Window cleaning time was reduced by 40%, allowing the entire building to be cleaned in fewer days.
  3. Enhanced Cleaning Quality: The deionized water left windows spotless and streak-free, resulting in higher satisfaction among building tenants and visitors.
  4. Environmental Impact: The shift to a chemical-free cleaning process was well-received by environmental advocates, aligning with the building’s commitment to sustainability.
  5. Cost Reduction: Over a period of six months, the building management reported a 25% reduction in overall window cleaning costs, including decreased insurance premiums due to the safer method.


The building manager stated, “The transition to the pure water fed pole system was a game-changer for us. Not only did we enhance the safety of cleaning staff, but we also observed remarkable improvements in efficiency and cleanliness. It’s a win-win for us and the environment.”


The implementation of the pure water fed pole system in this London commercial building demonstrates its effectiveness in providing a safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly window cleaning solution. The success of this transition serves as a model for other commercial properties facing similar challenges.

The pure water fed pole system is not just an alternative to traditional window cleaning methods; it’s a superior, safer, and more efficient solution. Its adoption across the UK can revolutionize the industry, benefiting both the service providers and their clients.


Are you ready to experience the benefits of the pure water fed pole system for your property? Contact us on 0845 0604 1288 to schedule a demonstration or visit Protech Window Cleaning for more information.